A New Beginning, A Love that Endures

Jacob Noah Beachy After eight years as part of The Red Thread Promise, which recently closed, Jacob’s Fund is now a stand-alone nonprofit 501(c)3, providing financial assistance to children with developmental impairments who would benefit from physical, occupational, or speech therapy, particularly through hippotherapy, in order to improve their quality of life. Jacob’s Fund honors Jacob Noah Beachy, who died July 21, 2007. Jacob was exactly thirty-eight months old that day. He’d undergone open heart surgery to correct some of the heart defects with which he was born. This was his fourth surgery and he was recovering well when an antibiotic-resistant infection took his life. We, Jacob’s family, were heartbroken. His all-too-short life had a deep and lasting impact on our lives and hearts. As we stumbled around in the fog of grief, our hearts were moved to share the love and generosity that was so much a part of Jacob. ...