Isaiah in Motion

Isaiah is very much a climber

Isaiah is seven, a camera shy, agile, and very much loved answer to a prayer. “Every year on my birthday I prayed for a child,” his mother, Candace, says.

And on her birthday, two little boys came to live with her and her husband, a former Marine.  Isaiah was two when he and his brother were placed in their care. Their parents, relatives, were drug addicted, and Isaiah’s babyhood had been spent in a baby seat placed in front of the television. Neglected, they were removed by children’s services and placed in foster care.

Isaiah was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and was developmentally far behind. Candace and her husband sought help for Isaiah soon after he arrived home. He began receiving therapy.  In 2013 he came to McKenna Farms. Now he’s thriving with the combination of therapy and love and care at home.

“He surprises us a lot. Yesterday he sat down with a book and began reading “A is for apple,” said Candace. “I was overwhelmed.  We are so thankful for all the good things that have happened to him”

Since Isaiah and his brother became part of their family, it has grown considerable. They now have seven boys, ages nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, and twenty-one months. All have been officially adopted except the baby, and they are in the process of adopting him now.

Candace is outnumbered!

“Isaiah is a completely different child from when we got him,” Candace tells us. “We’ve had him since he was two; he’s seven now. In the early years, he banged his head all the time. He was only able to say ‘Ehhhhhhh.’ He had fluid on his ears for the first year because he’d had no medical treatment for repeated ear infections. Now he has tubes in his ears.

We love seeing a smile on his face!

 With love and therapy, Isaiah is discovering new things he can do all the time. His favorite song is The Gummi Bear Song. He hums in the car and asks his mom to guess what song he’s humming. He loves the scent of Candace’s hair, rubbing it on his face. He’s always been lovable. He loves to play outside and to ride the horses at McKenna Farms.  Constantly in motion, he runs, climbs, and plays with his brothers. After all, he’s a seven-year-old boy. That’s what Jacob’s Fund wants for Isaiah and the other children we provide hippotherapy riderships for: to allow them to be what they can be, in the fullest way possible.

Thank you for visiting our blog. We welcome your questions and comments about Jacob’s Fund and hippotherapy and therapeutic riding. Isaiah's story is one of hope and love, and we hope you enjoy it. You can email us at, phone us at 513-423-0108, or write or mail a check to us at:

Jacob’s Fund
1630 Tipperary Drive
Middletown, Oh 45042-3875


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