Eli's Peace


We always want you to know what we are doing at Jacob’s Fund with the money you donate to provide hippotherapy and therapeutic riding to children with developmental impairments whose families are unable to pay for using a horse as a therapy tool. 

But we feel that knowing why we do it is easily as important. Visitors to our site, Jacobsfund.blogspot.com and our Facebook page, Jacob Beachy Fund, know that we carry in our heart our beautiful grandson, Jacob Noah Beachy, and it fills us beyond measure. It is his spirit, his kindness, his love that we want to pass on to other children. Because he loved hippotherapy at McKenna Farms, Jacob’s Fund covers the cost of using horses in therapy, which is not covered by private or public insurance, at McKenna Farms and other therapy centers

There is a reason Jacob loved McKenna Farms, where he rode “his” horse, Major. Members of our Mission Teams from Christ United Methodist Church express their feeling that McKenna Farms is a special place, a place of tranquility even in the midst of a bustling farm therapy center. There is hope, and there is joy.

 We have tried to convey that feeling and atmosphere, but this week we received a letter that says it far better, from a mom whose son, we are pleased to announce, now has a Jacob’s Fund ridership at the farm:


Beginning early last year, my son, Eli, who has diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Type One Diabetes, depression and anxiety, and other anomalies, began taking therapeutic riding at McKenna Farms. A loving grandparent was paying for him to ride twice a month until over the summer, when she retired. As many other families with special kiddos do, we stretch every dollar while trying to provide the support our son needs to thrive.

We love McKenna Farms and the staff, and especially the animals. We still stop by occasionally to say hello to his favorite horse, Gizmo. Eli loves that he and Gizmo neither like to shower and bringing Gizmo a carrot or an apple is a treat for both. Eli’s entire demeanor changes when we hop out of the car at the farm. He is suddenly calmer, more focused and driven . . . it’s like a peace washes over him while he is there. This makes me so happy.

Eli's Horse, Gizmo

Eli’s entire demeanor changes when we hop out of the car at the farm. He is suddenly calmer, more focused and driven . . . it’s like a peace washes over him while he is there. This makes me so happy.
Eli, Indoor Arena, Therapeutic Riding

We would love to provide Eli with therapeutic riding again. We would love to spend more time on the farm as well. There are few to no sports or activities that Eli has truly enjoyed like riding. We are not in a position to pay for lessons weekly or even biweekly and would appreciate any support you could lend us.

Thank you for your consideration,

Eli’s Mom

Want to help? You can ensure that this little boy is able to continue therapeutic riding. We now have an easy way to make your donation. Please go to our Facebook page, Jacob Beachy Fund (https://www.facebook.com/JacobBeachyFund) and click the DONATE button (it’s just below Jacob’s name at the top).

Or, if you prefer, send your check to:

Jacob’s Fund
1630 Tipperary Dr.
Middletown, Ohio 45042-3875

Thank you for your caring support. 100% of all donations to Jacob’s Fund go to the children we sponsor


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